Mohun Bagan has today announced the name of the Head coach for the Football team. Biswajit bhattacharya has joined back as head coach of team Mohun Bagan. A physio, Mr. Dipesh Bhattacharjee has been appointed for the rest of the season.
Following is the Press Release from the Hon. General Secretary –
Mr. Satyajit Chatterjee who was the Chief Coach of McDowell Mohun Bagan Team does not wish to continue and has intimated his decision to the Club Management, in spite of our requests to carry on till the end of the 2009-2010 football season.
So the Club has decided to appoint Mr. Biswajit Bhattacharjee as the Chief Coach of McDowell Mohun Bagan for the remaining period of the 2009-2010 football season. After discussion with the new Chief Coach, the Club has also decided to appoint Mr. Dipesh Bhattacharjee as the Physical Trainer of the Team. Mr. Hemanta Dora will be the Goalkeeper Coach as before.
It has also been decided that the Team will practice tomorrow morning at the Club Ground at 8:30 am and the newly appointed Chief Coach and Physical Trainer will be introduced to the players.
We wish them success in their endeavour.
Anjan Kumar Mitra
Hony. General Secretary
Mohun Bagan Athletic Club