A very bad morning here in Kolkata today – our beloved Manna-da, the great Sailen Manna passed away at 1:55am.
His body had been taken to his home in the morning. Mohun Bagan, East Bengal and other club officials visited his residence. Sports Minister, Ex-sports Minister and other political leaders were also there. Ex-players like Compton Dutta, Sibaji Banerjee were there as well.
His body will be taken to his residence at Howrah firsat and then to Rabindra Sadan. His body will be kept at Rabindra Sadan from 1pm to 4pm today and would not be taken to any club tent in Maidan. His body will be taken to the Keoratala burning ghat this evening.
Upon asking about the same – Debasish Dutta exclaimed that Manna-da never had any difference with the institution and particularly he had a strong 60 years relationship with the club, but his family’ s sentiment will be honoured.
mohunbaganclub.com has learnt that Subrata Bhattacharya was upset upon hearing that Manna-da’s body won’t be taken to the club tent and exclaimed how that can be possible. He believed that Manna-da’s body will be taken to the club premises where the club members, officials and ex-players will show their last respect.